The Complete Package

This one was a really fun and valuable project for me! It’s not just an email, no no, it’s a fully automated series of events that generates leads. The workflow goes as follows: User sends thank you email asking for referral, recipient follows link and fills out form on webpage, from there a few things happen. First, a “Thank you for your referral” email confirming the contact information is sent to the person who submitted it, a notification is sent to the User as well with all of the information, then the info gets automatically put into their contact information as a new client with tags that trigger a full prospecting campaign.

All of that from one email! Granted, this wasn’t a solo effort by any means! Without the hard work of our backend development team, the transfer of that information and triggering of campaigns wouldn’t have been possible. Friendly reminder to thank your local dev team, I’m sure they’re working hard!!!


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